College Student Ministry

Located one block south of the ISU Memorial Union, First Baptist is a vital part of the ISU community.  Students are involved in all areas of our ministry.  We invite you to get involved - there are many opportunities for worship, study, fellowship, and service.

Worship: We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:45. Students are involved as worship leaders, choir members, instrumentalists, ushers, nursery workers, sound system operators, and more.

College Fellowship: We meet on Sundays at 11 am (following worship) for conversation, Bible study, discussion of the great and not-so-great events of the day, and coffee and other refreshments.  Once a month we have a meal for students following worship.

Service Opportunities: There are numerous opportunities to get involved in service and mission.  Take part in a local service project, go on a spring break mission trip, be a counselor at our Music Camp for kids, help teach children's Sunday School, help put together hygiene kits for refugees, and more.

Newsletter: While school is in session, we regularly send an e-letter with info on campus life and details on current happenings at First Baptist.

Fellowship/Activities: We regularly gather for a meal together. You can join our basketball team, the First Baptist Dunkers. (Get it? Baptist - Dunkers?), go on a hayride, or enjoy time spent with friends at a Game Night.  We have lots of opportunities for fellowship and building relationships, and we think it is important to just have fun!

Music: Our choir sings all kinds of music, has a lot of fun, and welcomes students! Mindy Phomvisay, an ISU grad, is our Director of Music.  If you play an instrument, we would love to have you share your talent with us!  We use a variety of instruments in worship, which is a mix of traditional, more contemporary, and world music.  We have a few music scholarships available to students who sing in the choir and/or play an instrument in worship. 

College Lounge: Located on the second floor of our education wing, the lounge is a place to hang out, study, listen to music, or play games. It's available for use whenever the building is open (we have wi-fi access).
